
Showing posts from March, 2020

Ep. 6: Is the Glasstaff Half Empty or Half Full? or Walking on Broken Glasstaff.

This is a short one but brings us up to date as of March 15th, 2020.  Covid -19 is a thing and most of the world is now self-quarantining. What better time to kick out some D&D than during a quarantine! We also take time to remember the gravity of our situation. “ Increase, O God, the spirit of neighborliness among us, that in peril we may  uphold one another , in suffering  tend to one another , and in homelessness, loneliness, or exile  befriend one another . Grant us brave and enduring hearts that we may  strengthen one another , until the disciplines and testing of these days are ended, and you again give peace in our time; through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Coming to a common room in the west side of the basement, the party runs across the last four Redbrands and quickly dispatch them. The party then enters Glasstaff's workshop. Dinkelburg is able to read some of the papers and it is clear that Glasstaff had been trying to find as much information as...

Ep. 5 - Unexpected Friends

It has been a few days and the narrator has been busy with work and other things so this will be somewhat abbreviated.  It is also a few shorter sessions merged together. However, something is better than nothing so here goes. The party, led by Pip and Carp, the young boys who knew where the secret entrance to the Redbrand Hideout, found the entrance and told Pip and Carp that they needed to go on home to stay safe.  (Yeah, right)  They entered the cave and it led to the basement of the old Tresendar Manor.  Almost immediately, they could hear - well not really hear; the voice was just placed in their head - a voice whispering that it was hungry.  It was a nothic , guarding the entrance.  Rather than fighting the beast, the party made a deal with the nothic that they would bring him food.  He seemed appeased for the moment and so they took stock of their surroundings. They were at the southernmost entrance to the basement and saw a crevasse lea...