Ep. 6: Is the Glasstaff Half Empty or Half Full? or Walking on Broken Glasstaff.

This is a short one but brings us up to date as of March 15th, 2020.  Covid -19 is a thing and most of the world is now self-quarantining. What better time to kick out some D&D than during a quarantine! We also take time to remember the gravity of our situation.

Increase, O God, the spirit of neighborliness among us, that in peril we may uphold one another, in suffering tend to one another, and in homelessness, loneliness, or exile befriend one another. Grant us brave and enduring hearts that we may strengthen one another, until the disciplines and testing of these days are ended, and you again give peace in our time; through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Coming to a common room in the west side of the basement, the party runs across the last four Redbrands and quickly dispatch them. The party then enters Glasstaff's workshop. Dinkelburg is able to read some of the papers and it is clear that Glasstaff had been trying to find as much information as possible about Wave Echo Cave and the magic that may be hidden there.  One item in particular was Lightbringer, a mace of immense power.  The party saw a rat, who ended up being Glasstaff's familiar and the rat warned Glasstaff that he was in trouble. As the party opened the door to Glasstaff's quarters, they saw a hidden door swing shut and Glasstaff was on the run!  They did find a note on the desk revealing Glasstaff's identity as that of Iarno Albrek, the wizard who was supposed to be helping Phandalin establish law and order.  Wasting no time, they took off after Glasstaff/Iarno only to be met with a strange and terrible surprise. The Nothic had realized he was no longer the strong and powerful ally he had originally appeared and had killed him.  Iarno was floating, headless, in the fountain pool. 

The party was confused and somewhat enraged at this turn of events and decided to make an end of the Nothic once and for all.  It was a fantastic battle, with Cailee once again delivering the final blow. Cailee's arrow pierced the Nothic's eye and he dissolved back into the ether, his dead body returning to his home dimension.  They found his treasure, including a sword named Talon that had belonged to Lord Tresendar, the namesake of the mansion.

The party decided to head back to town and decide what was next.  At this point we broke for the night.


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